We finally gave in the other day and took down the tomato plants and got the garden beds ready for winter here at the city homestead. The plants still had tons of green tomatoes on them that were just not ripening. Given the time of year they were probably not going to ripen before the frost gets them. So we picked all of them because we knew we could do something with them.
Turns out that you can make chutney with apples which I think i will try making with the second bucket full. With the first bucket full i made this green tomato relish. With one bucket full we were able to make eight pints and one quart. That is a lot of relish not sure what we are going to do with all of that, but its better than wasting the tomatoes.
Out at the liberty farmstead, we got a load of horse manure which we are going to mix with layers of hay and mushroom compost to get beds ready for the spring.
If anyone wants to come help with making garden beds let us know.
More to come soon.